Saturday 24 June 2017

Sun in Fifth House

The Sun symbolizes your essential self, ego, father, right eye, will power, individuality, vitality, government and desire for power. More than any other planet, it represents who you are. It also symbolizes men in general.

Fifth House represents True intelligence, the mind, children, abortions, kings or politics, creativity, speculation, good karma ,sense of destiny (poorvapunya), lotteries, morals, pleasure, romance, fun, entertainment, sports, generosity, spiritual rituals, heart.

Pleasure-seeking and dynamic, you find happiness through romance, children, and activities that give you the opportunity to express yourself in dramatic, creative ways.

Image result for sun in 5th house
The Fifth House rules courtship; children, pleasure, education and publications; when the Sun is there it favors all these except children. It makes the person a favorite with the opposite sex, gives him much enjoyment of life, also success as a teacher, publisher or editor, but strangely enough, though the Sun rules the heart whence spring our children, his position in the Fifth House is distinctly unfavorable for their begetting. This is especially so if the fiery Fifth sign Leo is on the cusp. Then the fervent heat of passion seems to scorch the human plant ere it has time to grow.

Sickly, few children, good morals, intelligent, unhappy, short-tempered.

If the Sun is in the fifth house, the native will be poor, of bulky body and in his seventh year his father will face death, serious illness or misfortune. The native will be wise and brilliant but will have few children. If the lord of the 5th is well placed and strong there will be no death of sons. If the Sun is associated with Rahu or Ketu, there will be loss of children due to curse of the Serpent God. If the
Sun is in conjunction with Mars, there will be loss of children due to enemy but there will be no such loss if the combination of the Sun and Rahu or the Sun and Ketu or the Sun and Mars is aspected by a benefic (Jupiter or Venus). When the Sun is in the fifth house the native will become a devotee of the Sun God. If the Sun is strong the children will be prosperous.

Brihat Jatak- The person concerned will be childless and with out wealth.

Phaldeepika- The native will be bereft of happiness, wealth and children. He will also be short lived. He will be intelligent and wise and will be fond of wandering in the jungles.

Saravali- The native will be unhappy, poor, without children, agriculturist, resident of mountainous regions, wise, without bodily strength and short lived.

Chamatkar Chintamani- The native will lose his eldest son. He will be very intelligent and will influence others by his superior knowledge. He will accumulate wealth. He will die on account of some stomach ailment.

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