Friday 10 March 2017

Financial Prospects in Drekkana for Persons born in various Ascendant

Wealth has many sections and will have to be interpreted with reference to locality, time, circumstances and other surroundings. Ordinarily, we can recognise three grades, viz., aristocratic, commanding immense sums ; middle-class people, who have enough to eat, but not much to spare; and the poorer classes who have only one meal a day and who are hard-pressed for money.

Aries or Mesha
First Drekkana (0°-10°).—The fortunes are somewhat variable. There is gain through property and rural industries and sometimes through marriage The person will be frugal and cautious. He takes advantage of circumstances to improve his lot. The important years will be 18th, 28th. 36th, 42nd, 46th and 50th.